Have you ever wondered what happens in Mormon temples? 3 Mormons discuss the sacredness of what goes on inside a temple of the Mormon Church. Shelley puts it best when she says that the main goal of the Mormon Church isn’t for people not to know what goes on inside...
The 3 Mormons discuss why it’s important to vote, gaining an educated political opinion, and protecting religious freedom. Who will Mormons vote for in this election? What does the Mormon Church say about voting? Shelley provides insight on the topic saying that the...
The 3 Mormons have many opinions on the topic of beards. Shelley thinks beards are gross and hates them. Ian thinks they are totally fine. Kwaku thinks they are reserved for ancient people. And they have many more opinions on a new show segment called “Rate That...
Check out Ian, Shelly, and Kwaku, in the YouTube show “3 Mormons” as they discuss Mormon modesty and share opinions and insight on what it really means to be modest in today’s world! The 3 Mormons dive into the hot topic of modesty and its place in the many different...