Mormon GARMENTS and MODESTY | 3 Mormons

In this episode, we brought back Izzy and Korinne (by popular demand) for another ALL GIRLS episode! Mimi, Izzy and Korinne talk about Mormon garments and the importance of modesty. (PRO TIP: If you haven’t seen our explanation on garments or ‘magic Mormon...

Do Mormon Marriages Work?

Today David and Mimi bring their spouses on the show to compete in… *drum roll*… the NEWLYWED GAME! In this game, the girls are asked a series of questions and their husbands guess the answers. Both couples have been married for less than a year but their...

Do Non-Mormons Go to Hell?

If Mormons believe in the necessity of being baptized in the LDS Church, does that mean they believe that everyone else is going to go to hell?! The short answer is no, we do not believe that everyone who isn’t Mormon is going to go to hell. In fact, if hell is...

BYU Creamery: We all Scream for Ice Cream

BYU Creamery is special in many ways. It’s a small, college operated grocery store when few colleges have grocery stores of their own. It’s a multi-location creamery selling dairy products produced by the university. And the ice cream is delicious, coming...