I was always curious about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints since I graduated high school a few years ago. I grew up Lutheran and heard things about the church… and they were usually not good things. When it came to meeting with missionaries, I kept making up excuses like, “I’m too busy” or, “why would I join the church?” I kept seeing videos where missionaries introduce themselves and that drew my interest more.

When covid hit, I suddenly had more time on my hands and everything was virtual. I was feeling lonely, and dealing with a lot at the time. The missionaries came at the right time.

I was in a Facebook group and saw a post about being a missionary during quarantine from an Elder Kent and his companion, Elder Austin, who were serving in Sweden. I was interested and we messaged for a while and had some video lessons. A miracle was that both elders knew sisters serving in my area and those sisters sent me to the YSA sisters. I had lessons with them and I felt the confirmation in my heart that the church and Book of Mormon is true.

I got baptized about a month later. A few days before my baptism, a good chunk of my ward had to quarantine, including the elders quorum president, who was supposed to baptize me. Another miracle: a few people weren’t exposed so it didn’t have to be postponed and those that were could watch over zoom. I also got confirmed that day and I’ve seen so many miracles since then. I can testify that we have a Heavenly Father that loves us for us.

Holly Peksa


July 11, 2020