Is Interfaith Possible Among Christians?

There are many, many families whose members represent different religious beliefs. There are also some who have left the Mormon religion to join another religious sect but have been deeply judged for their change. Today we invited Jaxon Washburn on the show to talk...

The Golden Plates | LDS Church History Chapter 3

The LDS Church has been releasing a series of history books about the church. The series is called Saints and is being released chapter-by-chapter this year. In today’s episode, we talk about chapter 3. Mimi explains how Joseph Smith was told by Angel Moroni that he...

3 Mormons: Growing up Mormon

Ian talks about what it’s like to be a kid in the Mormon church. When Ian was 8 years old, he was baptized in the Mormon Church. He said that after a year, he finally learned about the Holy Ghost. Ian was warned by the Holy Ghost not to go along on a car trip....

3 Mormons: Blacks and the Priesthood

The LDS Church was restored during an era of intense racial discrimination. Christianity at large had all kinds of racial prejudices that would be deemed unacceptable today. Pastors advocated slavery, preachers would openly say, “black people will not be saved, “ etc....