In this episode, Mimi, David, and Kwaku talk about what to expect when a Mormon prays as well as why we pray the way we pray. While many elements of a Mormon prayer are the same as in other prayers, there are a few unique things you might notice (just remember that...
Are Mormons Christian? The 3 Mormons discuss why Mormons are Christian with Stacey, the star actor from Studio C. Check out this episode of 3 Mormons! The 3 Mormons each take turns asking Stacey questions about his life as a Christian, being a part of Studio C, his...
Does God Answer Prayers? The 3 Mormons talk about their beliefs and how they came to know that God restored His church to the earth and that Joseph Smith really did see and speak with God the Father and His son Jesus Christ. Joseph Smith is the founding prophet of The...