Are Mormons Christians?

Do Mormons worship a different Jesus than the rest of Christianity? Welllll… This isn’t an easy question to answer. Mormons believe in the Jesus Christ that came to earth as the Savior of the world. We believe in the Jesus that died on the cross, that...

Gigantic Mormon Family Reunion!!! | 3 Mormons

Ever heard the stereotype that Mormon families are gigantic? In some cases, that is true. Which is legit! David’s family went down to St. Goerge to have their family reunion. Watch along as David introduces his family to you. Check out their music jams they listen to,...

The TRUTH about Mormon Missions

There are around 70,000 Mormon missionaries all around the world. But what is it that Mormon missionaries do all day? Do they get a break or are they talking with people all day, every day? How much do Mormon missionaries get paid? In this episode, we answer these...

David’s Mormon Conversion Story

David Snell, creator of the Sunday Pews and brilliant writer, talks about his constant conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ. David has been a member of the Church for 18 years to date. He first expresses that everyone has to be converted to the gospel, regardless...