Has the Book of Mormon CHANGED?!

Well, it turns out that the answer to the question is YES! The Book of Mormon has been revised. But does that make the Book of Mormon false? And was Joseph Smith wrong in saying that the Book of Mormon is the most correct book of any book on earth? In this episode,...

Do you Need Authority to Baptize?

In 1842 Joseph Smith, the first prophet and president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, wrote down 13 of the religion’s fundamental beliefs. Number four on the list says this: “We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are:...

What in the World is Faith and Beliefs?

Hey guys, David here from Saints Unscripted. If you look closely, you’ll notice that we’re missing the other hosts today. You’ll be happy to know that they were translated. I apparently didn’t make the cut so you’re stuck with me for a while. Obviously, I’m kidding,...