Mormon Leaders are HUMANS!

We LOVED having Stephen Jones on the show with us to talk about the humanity of LDS Church leaders. Stephen is not only a successful comedian but is a spiritual GIANT so having him on the show was a dream come true. Many critics of the Mormon Church claim that the...

DNA and the Book of Mormon

OK people, put your seat-belts on because we’re about to embark on a complicated journey through the world of population genetics as we explore what DNA evidence has to say about the historicity of The Book of Mormon. Here’s the deal. The Book of Mormon tells the...

The Pre-Mortal Existence

Hey guys—So, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe that “All men and women lived with God as His spirit children before coming to the earth as mortal beings.” We call this pre-mortal period of existence, “pre-mortal existence.” If you...