Mimi’s Mormon Conversion Story!!

Mimi has been a member of 3 Mormons for awhile now and we’ve LOVED having her 🙂 She brings an element of happiness and love that we don’t know how we lived without. In this episode, Mimi shares her conversion story — how she came to have a testimony...

Did I Exist Before I was Born?

Hey guys, Dave here. You know those quiet moments in life when you’re looking at the stars and you just kind of ask God in your head … “Answer my questions. Where do I come from? And why did you send me here?” Well, today we’re going to see how The Church...

Should we wear garments EVERY. SINGLE. DAY?

Recently, there has been a lot of talk in the media about LDS garments (sometimes referred to as “Mormon underwear” or “magic Mormon underwear”). The recent focus comes mostly from members of the Church of Jesus Christ but also from non-members of the LDS Church. Many...

Archaeology and the Book of Mormon

Hey guys, so today we’re going to look at one of the most controversial questions regarding the Book of Mormon: Why haven’t archaeologists found anything in the New World that categorically proves that the Book of Mormon is true? It’s a fair question, so let’s talk...