Becoming a Mormon YouTuber

During the filming of this episode, we laughed more than we’ve laughed in any other episode… We dare you to watch to the end and not crack a smile 🙂 Joseph Sim is a influential YouTuber and videographer. He started uploading videos to YouTube years ago....

Overcoming Pornography: Nic’s Story

We LOVED having Nic on our show to tell his story of overcoming pornography. His story is so genuine and powerful. If you’ve ever struggled with pornography, know someone who has struggled with pornography, or simply want to better understand those who struggle,...

What Is the Bible Allowed to Get Wrong?

Hey guys, so have you ever seen those viral videos of teenagers trying to figure out how to use unfamiliar tools from the distant past like… rotary phones? They’re funny to watch and all, but there’s a lesson there. Before you can use something properly and...