This is the FOURTH “responding to comments” episode! And guess what? We are still reading every single comment. Every. Single. One. And for the most part, we LOVE your comments, even the negative ones 🙂 But sometimes we get comments that are…...
Have you ever heard of how Mormons baptize people? Have you ever wondered what the day is like? Maybe you are looking into to the church but have no idea what to expect at a baptism. Well, watch this video! Justin takes us along as we see his niece choose to be...
Mimi has been a member of 3 Mormons for awhile now and we’ve LOVED having her 🙂 She brings an element of happiness and love that we don’t know how we lived without. In this episode, Mimi shares her conversion story — how she came to have a testimony...
A Mormon prayer starts by addressing God the Father in some fashion. Mormons then fill the prayer with whatever they find appropriate. They then conclude “in the name of Jesus Christ, amen” or some variation of ending in Christ’s name. Mormons ONLY...
The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ, in addition to the Bible. Mormons believe the Book of Mormon to contain the words of God. Today on the show, we have Joseph Sim, a Mormon millennial YouTuber to talk with us about the different books in the Book...
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (aka the Mormon Church or the LDS Church) began in 1830 in the United States. Because of this (and because there are many Mormons from the United States), many people believe that the Mormon Church is an...