Hey guys, so before the Church was organized and before the Book of Mormon was translated, a young Joseph Smith engaged in a folk practice known as treasure-digging. Now, as the saying goes, “The past is a foreign country. They do things differently there.” And...
OK guys, so we’ve done one other Faith and Beliefs video about seer stones. If you haven’t seen that, check it out. Now, a lot of people are concerned about the fact that Joseph Smith used a seer stone to translate the Book of Mormon. People just think it’s weird,...
The LDS Church is slowly releasing a series of books, called ‘Saints,’ about the history of the Mormon church. Today we talk about chapter 4 of the first book. Joseph Smith has long been under attack for ‘treasure hunting.’ While this statement...
The LDS Church has been releasing a series of history books about the church. The series is called Saints and is being released chapter-by-chapter this year. In today’s episode, we talk about chapter 3. Mimi explains how Joseph Smith was told by Angel Moroni that he...
This week on 3 Mormons, special guest Stephen Smoot talks with Ian and Kwaku about the Book of Mormon. Stephen graduated from BYU with a degree in Ancient Near Eastern Studies. Stephen is currently working on his Master’s degree in Near and Middle Eastern...