¡¡Hola amigos!! ¡Hoy quisimos hacer un episodio en español en honor de nuestro canal en español, Mormon Mode! Échales un vistazo si aún no lo has hecho. Para episodios completos, visite MormonSUD.org. Justin y David cumplieron sus misiones en México y, por lo tanto,...

Is Interfaith Possible Among Christians?

There are many, many families whose members represent different religious beliefs. There are also some who have left the Mormon religion to join another religious sect but have been deeply judged for their change. Today we invited Jaxon Washburn on the show to talk...

David’s Mormon Conversion Story

David Snell, creator of the Sunday Pews and brilliant writer, talks about his constant conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ. David has been a member of the Church for 18 years to date. He first expresses that everyone has to be converted to the gospel, regardless...