3 Mind Blowing Modern Miracles! | 3 Mormons

Jesus Christ preformed many mighty miracles when he walked the earth. And since the time of Christ, miracles continue to take place day after day. Today we talk about 3 miracles since the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known...

Healing From Pornography Addiction | 3 Mormons

Pornography is all over the place. It plagues so many lives and is incredibly addictive. Justin says that pornography is evil and works in secrecy. It thrives in shame. Satan takes advantage of the powerful gifts that God has given us (the power of procreation) and...

The Golden Plates | LDS Church History Chapter 3

The LDS Church has been releasing a series of history books about the church. The series is called Saints and is being released chapter-by-chapter this year. In today’s episode, we talk about chapter 3. Mimi explains how Joseph Smith was told by Angel Moroni that he...

What is Mormon Fasting?

On the first Sunday of every month (with some exceptions), the LDS Church holds a ‘fast.’ To fast is to go without something for a period of time. In the Mormon Church, “fasting” typically refers to giving up food and water for a 24-hour period...