Mormons Respond to INTENSE Comments!

This is the FOURTH “responding to comments” episode! And guess what? We are still reading every single comment. Every. Single. One. And for the most part, we LOVE your comments, even the negative ones 🙂 But sometimes we get comments that are…...

Books of the Book of Mormon | 3 Mormons

The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ, in addition to the Bible. Mormons believe the Book of Mormon to contain the words of God. Today on the show, we have Joseph Sim, a Mormon millennial YouTuber to talk with us about the different books in the Book...

Translation, Frustration, and Demoralization | 3 Mormons

The LDS Church is slowly releasing a series of books, called ‘Saints,’ about the history of the Mormon church. Today we talk about chapter 5 of the first book. In this chapter, a few pivotal events happen (okay let’s be honest, pivotal events seem to...