Mormon GARMENTS and MODESTY | 3 Mormons

In this episode, we brought back Izzy and Korinne (by popular demand) for another ALL GIRLS episode! Mimi, Izzy and Korinne talk about Mormon garments and the importance of modesty. (PRO TIP: If you haven’t seen our explanation on garments or ‘magic Mormon...

Fashion Tips | 3 Mormons

If you know a Mormon, you might know that modesty is something big for Mormons. This week on 3 Mormons, Justin, Kwaku and Mimi talk about what modesty and how to define it. Watch and see if you think the 3 Mormons give good fashion advice. SUBSCRIBE: Follow Ian,...

Can Mormons Have Tattoos? | Interview with Al Fox

Mormons are discouraged from getting tattoos. But what if you join the Church when you already have tattoos? And what if you get a tattoo while you’re a member of the Church? Will God look at you differently if you have tattoos? Al Fox has been nicknamed...