“This week on 3 Mormons, Ian and Kwaku read your comments! Did your comment make the cut? The 3 Mormons talk about dating Mormon missionaries, Mormon temples, becoming like God, and more. Ian mentions how Mormons don’t necessarily believe that becoming like God...
Mormons follow the ancient law of tithing that is found in the Old Testament. Through paying tithing (10 percent of one’s increase), members are promised amazing blessings. With money from tithing paid by members, the LDS Church builds up the Kingdom of God on...
Kwaku shares how his seeking for the truth lead to his conversion to the LDS Church. Kwaku’s journey to becoming a Mormon started when he was a young kid in Cyprus, Texas. He visited different churches and asked many people what they thought the truth was, but he...
Mormons believe the Bible to be the word of God, as long as it is translated correctly. Mormons believe that the Bible is the first witness of Jesus Christ and The Book of Mormon is the second witness of Jesus Christ. The Bible was the foundation of the Church of...
Does God Answer Prayers? The 3 Mormons talk about their beliefs and how they came to know that God restored His church to the earth and that Joseph Smith really did see and speak with God the Father and His son Jesus Christ. Joseph Smith is the founding prophet of The...