During the filming of this episode, we laughed more than we’ve laughed in any other episode… We dare you to watch to the end and not crack a smile 🙂 Joseph Sim is a influential YouTuber and videographer. He started uploading videos to YouTube years ago....
If you’re a Mormon, it’s likely that you’ve heard the word “Kolob” but don’t know much about what it means. Or maybe you’ve seen the Book of Mormon musical and have heard that Mormons believe that God lives on a planet called...
In this episode of 3 Mormons, Sabrina and Kwaku talk about Mormon perfectionism and the pressures that are associated with striving for perfection. Kwaku tells a story about when he struggled with being imperfect and Sabrina agrees that perfectionism in Mormonism is a...
“This week on 3 Mormons, Ian and Kwaku read your comments! Did your comment make the cut? The 3 Mormons talk about dating Mormon missionaries, Mormon temples, becoming like God, and more. Ian mentions how Mormons don’t necessarily believe that becoming like God...
Kwaku and Ian of the 3 Mormons introduce special guest Elisabeth to discuss the implications of feminism for the LDS Church. Kwaku first talks about radical feminists and how they aren’t necessary a good representation of what feminism truly is. Instead of looking at...