Jewish Conversion to Mormonism!

What is it like to be raised in a Jewish family but find that the Mormon Church is the church you need to join? Gale Boyd tells her experience of feeling the spirit in the Mormon faith, finding similarities with Judaism and eventually deciding to convert to the Mormon...

Mormon Baptism for the DEAD?!

In this episode we talk about something unique to Mormonism: Baptisms for the dead. Fun fact. We don’t literally baptize dead people. SUBSCRIBE: Follow the 3 Mormons: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:...

Gigantic Mormon Family Reunion!!! | 3 Mormons

Ever heard the stereotype that Mormon families are gigantic? In some cases, that is true. Which is legit! David’s family went down to St. Goerge to have their family reunion. Watch along as David introduces his family to you. Check out their music jams they listen to,...

FIRST TIME in a Mormon Temple!

Today we had the great privilege of filming with Kelsey Edwards, a musician, model, and actress! Kelsey came on the show to talk about what to expect when going through a Mormon temple for the first time. Scroll down for the links to her awesome projects. 🙂 Kelsey...