Should Temples Still Be a Thing?

This is what the portable Israelite tabernacle looked like. It was somewhat of a blueprint for the permanent temple Solomon would build, and that Zerubbabel and later Herod would rebuild in Jerusalem. It’s where Christ taught as a boy, and the place He cleansed as a...

The Spirit World

So before we get into this episode I’ve got some bad news for all of our viewers… you might already know…hopefully, I’m not the one to have to break it to you, but here goes *long inhale*… The bad news is that one day, you are all going to die. It’s just a fact...

What Is the Deseret Alphabet?

Hey guys — we talk about a lot of controversial and heavy stuff in this segment of the show, but I wanted to lighten the mood a bit today and just talk about a piece of Latter-day Saint history that I find downright fascinating. We’re going to talk about something...