How to communicate with God

How do I communicate with God? How do I build a better relationship with God? How do I learn from God if I can’t hear Him? These are some of the most commonly asked questions from the Saints Unscripted audience and we totally understand where you are coming...

What Is the CES Letter?

Hey guys! So we’ve gotten a few messages recently asking us if we know about this document that’s been floating around called the CES Letter. Yes, yes we do. Let’s talk about it. In February of 2012, a Latter-day Saint named Jeremy Runnells was experiencing a faith...

What Is the Mormon Temple Garment (and is it magic)?

Hey guys, so Latter-day Saints are known for a lot of strange things. We’ve got extra scriptures, we have secret temple rituals, there’s the whole Kolob thing — oh yeah, and we have magic underwear.  I don’t know why people are so interested in our underwear, but...