Are Millennials Losing Their Religion?? | 3 Mormons

Jaxon Washburn, a firm believer in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a friend of 3 Mormons, joins us for a discussion about millennials. A millennial is defined as ‘a person reaching adulthood in the early 21st century.’ However, President Nelson recently...

Jewish Conversion to Mormonism!

What is it like to be raised in a Jewish family but find that the Mormon Church is the church you need to join? Gale Boyd tells her experience of feeling the spirit in the Mormon faith, finding similarities with Judaism and eventually deciding to convert to the Mormon...

Mimi’s Mormon Conversion Story!!

Mimi has been a member of 3 Mormons for awhile now and we’ve LOVED having her 🙂 She brings an element of happiness and love that we don’t know how we lived without. In this episode, Mimi shares her conversion story — how she came to have a testimony...

Books of the Book of Mormon | 3 Mormons

The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ, in addition to the Bible. Mormons believe the Book of Mormon to contain the words of God. Today on the show, we have Joseph Sim, a Mormon millennial YouTuber to talk with us about the different books in the Book...

How to Write and Give a Mormon Talk

WARNING: This is strictly our opinion so when you write a talk, follow the Spirit first… and then take our advice 😉 Members of the LDS Church are asked to give ‘talks’ (lessons, lectures, sermons, whatever you might call it) during Sacrament meeting...