Hey guys, so, quick rundown on the Holy Ghost: Latter-day Saints believe that the Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhead. He does not have a physical body of flesh and bone but is rather a personage of Spirit (hence, ghost). The Holy Ghost is a sanctifier, a teacher, a...
Hey guys! So if you’re watching this video when it first comes out, then you know it’s Halloween season! So in the spirit of Halloween, in this episode, we’re going to talk about ghosts. What Latter-day Saints believe about them, what they are, what they are not, and...
Alright guys, so repentance and forgiveness are HUUUGE themes in both the Bible and The Book of Mormon. And it’s Jesus Christ who makes it possible for us to repent and be forgiven for our sins. But the scriptures also talk about one sin in particular that is so...
When people first learn about The Book of Mormon, our missionaries will generally ask them to do 3 things: Read it, think about it, and ask God with real intent if it is what it claims to be. The promise is that at some point and in some way, God will answer that...
Today Kwaku had an awesome opportunity to talk with Leo Winegar who we absolutely adore. He has been a long time commenter on our videos and a solid defender of the faith. Leo was raised in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as Mormons)...