This is the FOURTH “responding to comments” episode! And guess what? We are still reading every single comment. Every. Single. One. And for the most part, we LOVE your comments, even the negative ones 🙂 But sometimes we get comments that are…...
Ever heard the stereotype that Mormon families are gigantic? In some cases, that is true. Which is legit! David’s family went down to St. Goerge to have their family reunion. Watch along as David introduces his family to you. Check out their music jams they listen to,...
Are Mormons allowed to go to New York City? Are Mormons allowed to live outside of Utah? Of course they are! Justin is a Mormon and he lives in New York City right now! Justin is doing a “study abroad” with BYU. BYU is a Mormon school that has centers all...
You have seen a lot of the 3 Mormon’s episodes but what is it like on their day-to-day? Watch and see! Mimi takes us along to debut the first ever 3 Mormon’s vlog! Watch to learn more about her life offset. Meet her family, see where she works, and watch...
You think you know Mormonism pretty well? Kwaku did too before the filming of this episode 😉 Mormon Hub released a series of quizzes that claim to be difficult so we decided to give them a try. It turns out, none of us got 100%. Quizzes we tried: Disney or General...