Alright guys, so The Book of Mormon is often described as the keystone of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. A keystone is the stone at the top of an archway that holds everything else in place. If you take out the keystone, everything else crumbles. If...
Alright guys, so a lot of people believe The Book of Mormon is true, and a lot don’t. People who think The Book of Mormon is a hoax have been scrambling for almost 200-years now, trying to figure out how this young farm boy named Joseph Smith, whose own wife said he...
OK guys, so for the last … almost 200 years now, people have been trying to provide a naturalistic explanation for how Joseph Smith could have produced the scriptural masterpiece that is The Book of Mormon. And for almost 200 years now, critics of The Book of Mormon...
HELLO! So if you’re multilingual, you’re probably aware that different languages follow different grammatical rules. For example, “David’s shoes” in Spanish would be, “Los zapatos de David,” or “the shoes of David.” So if you were to hear someone say, “Hey, look at...
God has a history of using inanimate objects to fulfill His objectives. For example, the staff of Moses and/or Aaron initiated many of the plagues of Egypt. Moses later hits a rock with his staff, and water comes out. Later the Israelites are plagued with poisonous...