Hey guys! We’re going to talk about anachronisms today. An anachronism is something (in a movie, book, or presentation) that shows up in a time period in which it isn’t believed to have existed. For instance, in the movie “Gladiator,” you might notice that when this...
Hey guys, so at the beginning of every Book of Mormon is the testimony of the 3 and the 8 witnesses. The 3 witnesses claimed that “an angel came down from heaven, and he brought and laid before our eyes, that we beheld and saw the plates, and the engravings thereon.”...
OK people, put your seat-belts on because we’re about to embark on a complicated journey through the world of population genetics as we explore what DNA evidence has to say about the historicity of The Book of Mormon. Here’s the deal. The Book of Mormon tells the...
Hey guys, so a lot of people come to YouTube looking for evidence that The Book of Mormon is true. And that’s fine! There’s a lot of really cool stuff we can talk about: geography, Hebraisms, witnesses, stylometrics, linguistics and all sorts of stuff—but the fact is:...
OK guys, so in this episode, we’re going to tackle another Book of Mormon conspiracy theory. I really like these episodes because it just shows to what lengths people will go to try to discredit the Book of Mormon. But here’s the gist of the theory: The Book of Mormon...