Hey guys, so Latter-day Saints believe that the Book of Mormon, as translated by the prophet Joseph Smith, is sacred scripture. But Joseph’s story involves visions and angels and revelation—the kind of stuff that might have happened thousands of years ago but is a bit...
Hey guys, so Latter-day Saints believe that the Book of Mormon is scripture, translated by Joseph Smith through the gift and power of God. As I’ve mentioned many times before, the Book of Mormon is known as the keystone of our religion. Thus, it has been in the...
Alright guys, so what you’re looking at right now is the hill from which Joseph Smith removed the ancient Book of Mormon plates in 1827. Latter-day Saints call it the Hill Cumorah. Now, if you’ve read the Book of Mormon you’ll recall that the Nephites make their...
Hey guys, so today we’re going to look at one of the most controversial questions regarding the Book of Mormon: Why haven’t archaeologists found anything in the New World that categorically proves that the Book of Mormon is true? It’s a fair question, so let’s talk...
Hey guys, so Joseph Smith claimed to translate the Book of Mormon from an ancient set of gold-colored metal plates, which he had in his possession. These plates were not on public display for anyone to come and scrutinize, but eleven official witnesses and a handful...