Mormons have been called a cult for a LONG time. But is Mormonism actually a cult? Well, you might be surprised… We gave the 3 Mormons a list of definitions of ‘cult’ that we found online. They were not informed of the definitions before the filming...
The LDS Church is slowly releasing a series of books, called ‘Saints,’ about the history of the Mormon church. Today we talk about chapter 5 of the first book. In this chapter, a few pivotal events happen (okay let’s be honest, pivotal events seem to...
The Book of Mormon quotes Isaiah more than any other prophet. However, many people call the words of Isaiah “too difficult to understand” or even “boring.” David, Kwaku, and Mimi all agreed that they don’t enjoy reading Isaiah when...
Do Mormons worship a different Jesus than the rest of Christianity? Welllll… This isn’t an easy question to answer. Mormons believe in the Jesus Christ that came to earth as the Savior of the world. We believe in the Jesus that died on the cross, that...
David Snell, creator of the Sunday Pews and brilliant writer, talks about his constant conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ. David has been a member of the Church for 18 years to date. He first expresses that everyone has to be converted to the gospel, regardless...