Doctor Philastus Hurlbut did more to damage Joseph Smith and the Church of Jesus Christ than perhaps anyone else in Joseph’s lifetime. Even in the ocean of criticism Latter-day Saints face today, I still continue to see Hurlbut’s work resurface time and time...
Hey guys, so for almost 200 years now, critics of Joseph Smith have been trying to figure out how he could have possibly invented the Book of Mormon. One claim I’ve stumbled upon recently is that nobody actually saw Joseph Smith during the dictation of the Book...
Hey guys, so for almost 200 years now, critics of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have been trying to figure out how Joseph Smith could have possibly fraudulently produced the Book of Mormon. Some critics assert that Joseph drew inspiration for the...
Hey guys, so in the Book of Mormon, we read that after Christ is crucified in the Old World, the New World experienced all kinds of terrible natural disasters. In 3 Nephi 9, we read that some Book of Mormon cities are burned with fire, some are buried under the...
Hey guys, we’re talking about chiasmus in the Book of Mormon today. For those of you who don’t know what that is, “Chiasmus is a type of writing style which presents a series of keywords or phrases and then repeats them in reverse order.” For example, Matthew 10:39 in...