Hey guys, so in the next few episodes, we’re going to be talking about the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. But to help set the stage for some of these New Testament events, it is really helpful to have a basic understanding of the world that Jesus is going to be...
Hey guys, so, C.S. Lewis once wrote, “the first qualification for judging any piece of workmanship from a corkscrew to a cathedral is to know what it is — what it was intended to do and how it is meant to be used.” In order to most effectively understand and...
Hey guys, so have you ever seen those viral videos of teenagers trying to figure out how to use unfamiliar tools from the distant past like… rotary phones? They’re funny to watch and all, but there’s a lesson there. Before you can use something properly and...
Alright guys, so if you haven’t noticed, there are a lot of different versions of the Bible out there, each one slightly different from the next. Most of the time those differences between bibles aren’t earth-shattering and just amount to different methods of...
Hey guys, so when Joseph Smith was a teenager he approached God in prayer, seeking forgiveness for his sins and wisdom regarding which church he should join. In response to his prayer, Joseph claimed that God the Father and Jesus Christ actually appeared to...