Hey guys, so for a long time, I thought that Latter-day Saints and other Christians basically agreed on what angels were and what their role is. And while there is certainly a lot of overlap, as it turns out, there are also some major differences. So in this episode,...
Hey guys, so, if you’ve read the gospels you know that Jesus Christ really liked teaching people through parables. Sometimes the meaning of Christ’s parables was not immediately clear to people. Sometimes it took some effort to understand and to extract the...
Welcome back to another episode, everyone. Today we’re going to talk about what many Christians call “the Rapture,” but before we do that I need to introduce you to a fun word that you’re going to feel smarter for knowing. The word is: Eschatology. Eschatology,...
Hey guys, so Latter-day Saints believe that your spirit is the part of you that existed before mortal birth, the part that now exists within your physical body, and the part that will continue to exist after your physical body dies. But what exactly is a spirit? What...
Hey guys! So… YES. Latter-day Saints absolutely believe that through the infinite atonement of Jesus Christ, we mortals have the potential to one day after this life become like God. From the outside looking in, this idea might sound wildly arrogant, but please...
Hey guys—So, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe that “All men and women lived with God as His spirit children before coming to the earth as mortal beings.” We call this pre-mortal period of existence, “pre-mortal existence.” If you...