What Is the CES Letter?

Hey guys! So we’ve gotten a few messages recently asking us if we know about this document that’s been floating around called the CES Letter. Yes, yes we do. Let’s talk about it. In February of 2012, a Latter-day Saint named Jeremy Runnells was experiencing a faith...

What Is the Abrahamic Covenant to Latter-day Saints?

Hey guys, so within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints you might hear talk about something called the “Abrahamic Covenant.” In this episode, we’re going to talk about what this covenant is to Latter-day Saints, and why it’s so incredibly important. There...

What Is the Latter-day Saint “Law of the Fast”?

Hey guys, so in a past episode I briefly mentioned fasting, but we haven’t done a full episode on the subject yet, and it’s an important topic for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, so that’s what we’re going to talk about today! Alright, so...

Why Don’t Latter-day Saints Use the Cross?

Hey guys, so if you visit a Latter-day Saint church building one of these days you might notice that while Christ is at the center of our worship services, we don’t have any crosses anywhere. And the cross, as a symbol of Christ and his Atonement, is quite popular...