Do Mormons Know Mormonism?

You think you know Mormonism pretty well? Kwaku did too before the filming of this episode 😉 Mormon Hub released a series of quizzes that claim to be difficult so we decided to give them a try. It turns out, none of us got 100%. Quizzes we tried: Disney or General...

The Golden Plates | LDS Church History Chapter 3

The LDS Church has been releasing a series of history books about the church. The series is called Saints and is being released chapter-by-chapter this year. In today’s episode, we talk about chapter 3. Mimi explains how Joseph Smith was told by Angel Moroni that he...

Seeing Jesus Christ | LDS Church History Chapter 2

**The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (yes, the Mormon Church) has come out with a series of books that illustrate the history of the LDS Church. But guess what? They are 0% boring like you might think a history book would be. The books will be released in...

The Volcano! – Chapter 1, Saints

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (yes, the Mormon Church) has come out with a series of books that illustrate the history of the LDS Church. But guess what? They are 0% boring like you might think a history book would be. The books will be released in...

What Mormons Think About Kolob

If you’re a Mormon, it’s likely that you’ve heard the word “Kolob” but don’t know much about what it means. Or maybe you’ve seen the Book of Mormon musical and have heard that Mormons believe that God lives on a planet called...