Answering Questions about Porn Addiction

**If you haven’t seen Part One of this series, you might want to watch it first.** Prior to this episode, we asked our Instagram audience for their questions about pornography addiction so we could ask Nic. Nic says he has been addicted to pornography for over 2...

Overcoming Pornography: Nic’s Story

We LOVED having Nic on our show to tell his story of overcoming pornography. His story is so genuine and powerful. If you’ve ever struggled with pornography, know someone who has struggled with pornography, or simply want to better understand those who struggle,...

What in the World is Ministering?? | 3 Mormons

In the April 2018 General Conference, President Nelson announced the change of ‘Home Teaching’ to ‘Ministering.’ Since the change, has ministering worked or should we turn back to home teaching? Home Teaching has been a long-time program in the...


PSA: Mormon was a man that lived CENTURIES ago, he’s not your next door neighbor that attends the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Okay, unless your next door neighbor is actually named Mormon. President Russell M Nelson of the Church of Jesus Christ...

3 Mind Blowing Modern Miracles! | 3 Mormons

Jesus Christ preformed many mighty miracles when he walked the earth. And since the time of Christ, miracles continue to take place day after day. Today we talk about 3 miracles since the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known...

UNUSUAL Facts About Mormon Prophets

Most days, we try to provide episodes that will help explain Mormon doctrine (doctrine from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). But every once in awhile, we release a totally random, slightly strange episode. And that’s what you’re getting...