How Long Did it Take Joseph Smith to Translate the Book of Mormon?
Hey everyone, welcome back to another episode. If you haven’t noticed yet, we have done a ton of episodes about the Book of Mormon. Why? Because it is the keystone of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Most all other...
LDS Rote Prayers – The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Whether you are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or have been to the LDS church a time or two, you very likely have noticed that members often repeat the same phrases in their prayers— many of which have been...
Sabbath Day Observance | Opinion
If you've been with Saints Unscripted for awhile, you've seen some episodes on our channel about the topic of sabbath day observance in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as the Mormon Church). Members of the...
Did the Translation of the Book of Mormon Begin with Mosiah?
Hey guys! So the Book of Mormon prophet, Nephi, made two sets of metal plates that generations of Nephite leaders would use to document Nephite history. We call these records the large plates of Nephi and the small plates of Nephi. A later...
Nephi vs. Laman. Who Was the Rightful King?
Hey guys, so the author of the first two books of the Book of Mormon was a prophet named Nephi. He tells us about some of the challenges his family faced as they journeyed from Jerusalem, across the ocean, to their promised land. But while...
GENERAL CONFERENCE IS HERE!!! If you are unfamiliar with General Conference, watch it, read it, listen to it on General Conference happens semi-annually at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints...
What’s the Difference Between Revelation and Inspiration?
Hey guys, so in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we believe in what we call modern revelation. Just like in ancient times, we believe that today God can speak not only to prophets but to each of His children individually,...
What Mormons believe about vaccines, blood transfusions, and organ donations
Vaccines have been a BIG topic of conversation lately (particularly the COVID-19 vaccine) and many have wondered what members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe about vaccines, blood transfusions, and organ...
How to build faith after it has been lost | with Leo Winegar
We LOVE when Leo Winegar joins us on Saints Unscripted and this time was no different! In this episode, Leo talks about how to reconstruct your faith after it is deconstructed. Going through a deconstruction of faith (or a breaking down of...
Should we wear garments EVERY. SINGLE. DAY?
Recently, there has been a lot of talk in the media about LDS garments (sometimes referred to as “Mormon underwear” or “magic Mormon underwear”). The recent focus comes mostly from members of the Church of Jesus Christ but also from...
Did Joseph Smith, Sr. and Lehi Have the Same Dream?
Hey guys! So when you learn something new, you start with the basics. But usually, you’re aware in your mind that once you master the basics there will be more complex things to learn in the future. In a past episode, we talked about a...
THIS is the exact day you should get baptized
We've done plenty of "Responding to Comments" episodes but have never done an episode where we strictly answer your questions (either from direct message on Instagram, Facebook, or questions in the YouTube comments). We LOVE hearing from...