Christ’s Multiple Second Comings
Hey guys, so today we’re going to talk about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. A lot of what members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe about the Second Coming overlaps with the beliefs of most Christians, but...
Who does Jesus forgive? | with Pastor Logan
We're back with Pastor Logan and are SO EXCITED for you to learn from him today because he shares some truths that are incredible important and applicable to you TODAY. If you are unfamiliar with our previous episode with Pastor Logan,...
Why Did Jesus Choose Gethsemane?
Hey guys, so, if you’ve read the gospels you know that Jesus Christ really liked teaching people through parables. Sometimes the meaning of Christ’s parables was not immediately clear to people. Sometimes it took some effort to...
Getting to Know People and Groups that Were Against Christ
Hey guys, so in the last video, we talked about the geography and political landscape of the Palestine area in the time of Christ. We talked about the Samaritans, Herod the Great, his successors, how the kingdom was divided — lots of great stuff that will help you...
Christ in Context: Politics and Geography
Hey guys, so in the next few episodes, we’re going to be talking about the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. But to help set the stage for some of these New Testament events, it is really helpful to have a basic understanding of the world...
Is There Fiction in the Bible?
Hey guys, so, C.S. Lewis once wrote, “the first qualification for judging any piece of workmanship from a corkscrew to a cathedral is to know what it is — what it was intended to do and how it is meant to be used.” In order to most...
What Is the Bible Allowed to Get Wrong?
Hey guys, so have you ever seen those viral videos of teenagers trying to figure out how to use unfamiliar tools from the distant past like… rotary phones? They’re funny to watch and all, but there’s a lesson there. Before you can use...
Do Latter-day Saints Believe in the Rapture?
Welcome back to another episode, everyone. Today we’re going to talk about what many Christians call “the Rapture,” but before we do that I need to introduce you to a fun word that you’re going to feel smarter for knowing. The word...
Do Latter-day Saints Believe in Evolution?
Hey everyone — today we’re going to be scratching the surface of that good old rivalry between science and religion. Specifically, we’re going to be talking about what The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches about...
Is the Latter-day Saint Sabbath on Saturday or Sunday?
Hello and welcome back to another episode. Alright, so Exodus 20 outlines what Christians today recognize as the 10 Commandments. Commandment number 4 says, “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and...
Joseph Smith and Fanny Alger
Hey everyone, today we’re going to talk about Joseph Smith’s marriage to his first plural wife, Fanny Alger. Plural marriage has not been practiced by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for well over 100 years now,...
General Conference RECAP
It's finally GENERAL CONFERENCE SEASON!! Okay, the semi-annual General Conference actually happened last weekend... but it's so important to reflect on, no matter how much time has passed 🙂 In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day...