The Ups and Downs of LDS Church Finances
Hey guys, so The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today is known as a financially well-off organization. But it hasn’t always been that way. There are a lot of different things we could talk about within the realm of Church...
Why Is There So Much Conflict Between Palestinians and Israeli Jews?
Hey guys, so we’re talking about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict today but before we jump in, I want to be clear about a few things: 1. This is a controversial issue, but for what it’s worth, I really don’t have a side that I’m on...
3,000 Years of Jerusalem History
Hey guys, so there’s this city called Jerusalem that has been awfully important for the last few thousand years or so. It’s one of the oldest cities in the world, and it has traded hands many many times. In this video, we’re going...
Did Joseph Smith Find the Nephite Ark of the Covenant?
Hey guys, so Latter-day Saints believe that on September 22, 1827, Joseph Smith obtained a few ancient Nephite relics from a stone box buried in a hill. Within the box, Joseph found a set of gold-colored plates, a metal breastplate,...
What Purpose Did the Plates Serve if not Needed for Translating?
Hey guys, so, as you already know and as we’ve discussed in other videos, Joseph Smith translated the ancient Book of Mormon metal plates predominantly by using two tools: his own personal seer stone, and two Nephite seer stones...
What Do Latter-day Saints Believe about the Final Judgment?
Hey everyone, so throughout this series we’ve done a lot of episodes about what Latter-day Saints call the Plan of Salvation. In these two episodes, we gave you sort of a birds-eye view of this plan, but then we’ve also taken some...
Did James Strang’s Witnesses Deny Their Testimonies?
Hey guys, so after Joseph Smith’s death, a recent convert named James Strang claimed to be Joseph’s successor. We’ve already done a couple of episodes about Strang which you should go watch if you haven’t yet. They will provide you...
Who Supported James Strang … Really?
Hey guys, so after Joseph Smith’s death, a recent convert named James Strang claimed to be Joseph’s successor. We’ve already done a few episodes about Strang which you should go watch if you haven’t yet. That context will help this video...
What Was the Latter-day Saint Priesthood Ban?
Hey everybody, welcome back to another episode. Today we’re going to be talking about some rather controversial issues having to do with race in the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. But before we jump into this...
Who Was James Strang?
Hey guys, so we’ve done one episode in the past about a guy named James Strang which you should go watch if you haven’t yet. But there’s a lot more to his story that we didn’t get to in that video. In this episode all I want to do is give you a little background...
Was the Angel Who Visited Joseph Smith Moroni or Nephi?
Hey guys, so the Latter-day Saint prophet Joseph Smith claimed that in the 1820s he was visited multiple times by an angel, and directed by that angel to an ancient record we know today as the Book of Mormon. This angel’s name was...
Is Jesus Christ Jehovah?
Hey guys! So today we’re going to be talking about who “God” is in the Old Testament. It can get a little confusing and we’ve got a lot to cover so let’s just jump right in. Alright, so in the Old Testament, despite a variety of...