When Were Hot Drinks in the Word of Wisdom Defined as Tea and Coffee?
Hey guys, so we’re talking about the Word of Wisdom today. If you’re not familiar with what that is, it’s essentially a basic dietary or health code for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It’s most notably the...
What Happens at a Latter-day Saint Sunday Service?
Hey guys, so attending the worship services of a religion other than your own can be a great experience, but it can also be intimidating or spark some anxiety if you don’t know what to expect, or if some of their religious traditions are a...
What Are Latter-day Saint Priesthood Keys?
Alright, so if you’re unfamiliar with what the priesthood is and why it’s important, please for the love of all that is good, go watch these episodes. But in a nutshell, the priesthood is the power and authority of God that he gives to...
How to Respond to People Who Believe Differently than You
Hey everyone! So, I grew up in a small town where as a Latter-day Saint, I was very much-so part of a religious minority. Sometimes I worried that my non-Latter-day Saint friends might ask me a question or challenge my beliefs in some way,...
What the First Mormon Pioneers Did When They Got to Utah
Alright guys, so in the last episode, we covered the pioneer trek along the Mormon Trail to what would later be known as Utah. The first advance company set eyes on the Salt Lake Valley on July 21st, 1847. A very sick Brigham Young and the...
What Is the Apocrypha?
Alright, so we’re going to talk about the Apocrypha today. It’s a term you’ve probably heard thrown around every now and then but it can be a tough concept to grasp sometimes simply because it can mean slightly different things to...
Do Latter-day Saints Really Believe That?
https://youtu.be/mt24cdJI2v0 Hey guys, so if you dive into Latter-day Saint history, every so often you’re going to run into statements from or about past leaders that might seem a bit eyebrow-raising, and that don’t match up with the stuff you’ll be hearing at church...
Do Latter-day Saints Buy Their Way into Heaven?
Alright, so Latter-day Saints believe that in order to return to live with God the Father and become more like Him after this life in the highest degree of heaven—God has asked that as an expression of our faith, we make and keep certain...
The Who, What, When, Where, & Why of the Mormon Trail
Hey guys, so the first president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Joseph Smith, was killed in June of 1844. There were many who thought that with Joseph gone, the church he founded would crumble. It didn’t. But to escape...
What Happened to the Priesthood After the Apostles Died?
Hey guys, so Latter-day Saints believe that after the era of the apostles ended, the priesthood authority given to the apostles to run the church was lost, and the world fell into what we call the “Great Apostasy.” This loss of priesthood...
Did Joseph Smith Endorse a Pro-Polygamy Pamphlet Called “The Peacemaker”?
Hey guys, so I was recently watching a show called Under the Banner of Heaven, and in one of the episodes, one of the characters (a psychopathic murderer) mentioned a pamphlet called The Peacemaker, which he described as “an essential LDS...
Why Does the LDS Church Own Businesses and Invest?
Hey guys, so in a past episode, we got a bird’s eye view of the history of the financial status of the Church. Tithing donations from members have always been the Church’s primary source of support. But, the Church is also involved in a...